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Basic Tricks, freestyle scooter riding, freestyle scooter tricks, freestyle scootering, intermediate level tricks, pro scooters, proscootershop, scooter tricks -

In our Pro Scooter Shop "Basic Tricks" article that we posted a while ago, we broke down the fundamentals of some of the more simple scooter tricks, which laid the groundwork for learning some more advanced tricks down the road. Well... now we are here to introduce some of those more advanced, intermediate level tricks that you guys have most likely been yearning to learn how to do. However, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, it is important to keep in mind that these tricks are much more difficult than the more basic scooter tricks that you have...

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Complete Pro Scooter, freestyle scooter riding, freestyle scootering, Lucky Complete, Lucky Covenant, Lucky Scooters, NeoChrome, pro scooters, proscootershop -

Lucky Scooters has always been a brand that prides themselves on the premium quality of their beautiful line of complete pro scooters. They offer a selection of completes that ranges from entry level all the way up to the most advanced level of riding. Each and every single one of Lucky's completes comes equipped with everything that a scooter rider could ever want or need in terms of the components and specifications that come included. However, there is one Lucky complete scooter that has really stood out during its time at Pro Scooter Shop. The Lucky NeoChrome Covenant has seemingly...

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Apex Pro Scooters, freestyle scooter riding, freestyle scootering, Lucky Scooters, Pegs, pro scooters, proscootershop, Scooter Pegs, Tilt Scooters -

Freestyle Scooter Pegs are an interesting element of freestyle scooter riding because they were originally introduced to the world of freestyle scooter riding in the last several years. Before scooter companies actually started designing and manufacturing their own pegs, scooter riders were essentially forced to just create their own make-shift pegs at home, hoping that they would end up working. This concept ended up working out fairly successfully, but eventually the industry caught up with the demand for pegs and scooter companies actually began producing them. Ever since the initial explosion of popularity in freestyle scooter pegs, kids have constantly...

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freestyle scooter riding, freestyle scootering, pro scooters, proscootershop, Scout bars, Sentry bars, Tilt bars, Tilt Scooters -

Tilt Scooters has slowly, but surely released more and more premium quality freestyle scooter components onto the market over the course of the last several years. Their slow, yet consistent flow of new products has kept riders everywhere on their toes, as they patiently wait for the next best thing to come out. Tilt Scooters has always been a company that strives to reach for perfection and innovation in every single thing that they do, whether it comes to their team riders, marketing, products, or image as a whole. These guys somehow manage to turn everything that they do into...

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freestyle scooter riding, freestyle scootering, Grit Elite, Grit Scooters, Jordan Clark, pro scooters, proscootershop -

Grit Scooters is one of those brands that is known for making a splash in the industry when they release new product. They also manufacture some of the most reliable, high quality complete pro scooters in the world, so typically when an entry-level rider is looking to purchase their first pro scooter, Grit is one of the first recommendations that we at Pro Scooter Shop will make to them. The Grit Elite is one of the more popular Grit complete pro scooters that we currently have in stock, and let me tell you, this thing is stacked from head to...

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